Friday, May 24, 2019

Science in a Van

On Friday, Science in a Van came to visit our school. They taught us about the periodic table and taught us really cool experiments. We really enjoyed their show.The periodic table is a table of elements. Here  are some photos about the periodic table and Science in a Van:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Sign Language

This term we had some visitor's talk about sign language. One was doing sign language and one was verbalising in English and we learnt how to sign our national anthem in both Maori and English. We learnt that it is an important language, to the deaf and is a language of New Zealand.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Celebrating Easter

We have shared our knowledge of what Easter is in Religious Education by decorating and creating spinning wheels. We realise that Easter is an important celebration in our lives. Here are some photos mine:

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Religious Education Triangle

We have been learning about Baptism and the Holy Spirit in Religious Education . We have learnt that when we are baptised that we receive three gifts from God which are faith, hope and love. We have learnt this by making Religious Education Triangles. Here are some photos:

Friday, May 3, 2019

Role Models, Malala Yousifzai

We have learned about role models who have changed the world. Me and my group have been learning about Malala Yousifzai. Malala is a pakistani girl who was shot in the head when she was 15 on Tuesday October 12 and survived. She was shot because she stood up for girls and womens rights. She is the youngest recipient to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.We researched lots about her and we found out that she had a Growth Mindset.