Monday, March 18, 2019


We have been writing our accident stories and have been learning to entertain and amaze our audience.
We have also been trying to make interesting for our audience. Here is mine:A Tiny Little Accident.

                                                                  February 2019 

I am learning to entertain my audience through a recount.

It was a rather normal day, normal, normal, normal. Everything was as normal as could be. “Children?” my grandpa called. “Are you coming to walk to school with us today Grandpa?” my sister shouted hoping for the right answer, which would be yes. I grabbed onto him and started trying to pull him with us to go to school. “No, no, I’m not coming,” Grandad replied as if we should know he never comes to walk us to school with Grandma. “Go with your Grandma, I have other jobs to do,” he told us. We knew at this moment that we should leave Grandpa alone. It was all settled.

Walking along the footpath out of the house on that Monday morning my sister, grandma and I, walked behind grandpa, who was in a hurry to get to the supermarket to get some supplies and of course his lotto ticket. Unaware of us, our grandpa turned around the corner, which led to the Main Road, we followed behind him quietly as we knew he was on a mission.

Walking along the footpath there was a dark blue car parked in their driveway, this forced me to walk behind the car. As I was walking all of a sudden I found myself on the ground. I sat in shock wondering how I had tripped. Was it a stone or a rock? Nope no rock. Was it a hole or a dip in the ground? No, no hole. At this point I looked at my shoes maybe they were to blame. No shoelaces were tied up, but had clearly tripped over the front of my shoe. As I sat there pondering what had happened, all of a sudden the screams of terror broke my concentration. My sister and grandma were looking at me in horror.

Following their eyes I looked down to my knee and saw something that was rather odd. There was a wound that was white, expecting to see blood but was strangely white. The cut had been so large that it hadn’t even thought to bleed. From all the screaming I quickly informed my family, “ I’m fine, I’m fine, totally fine.” Even though inside I was a little worried.

My grandma and sister took me home to mum, mums always know what to do. By this point my knee had started to bleed a lot, yeah quite a bit. Mum cleaned it up and wrapped up the wound. To this day I still don’t actually know what tripped me up but I was a lot more cautious when walking to school.

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